Factors increasing economic efficiency in the canning industry
Vahid Abbasov Hajibey, prof, dr |
Head of the Department of Economics, Baku State University | |
vahid.abbasov.56@mail.ru |
Emilya Shukurova Elshad |
диссертант Бакинского государственного университета | |
shukurova0701@mail.ru |
The article analyzes the development of integration relations between the canning industry and agriculture, factors of the effective use of raw materials and resources in the industry, as well as the dynamics of production of the main types of products. Taking into account the seasonal nature of growing fruits, vegetables, berries and other perishable agricultural products, the issues of the potential of the canning industry in delivering them to consumers without losses, the use of wastefree technologies in the primary and secondary processing of these products, as well as the effective use of packaging materials, reducing environmental damage from waste.
Arshad. Yashar
Head of land identification and geographical data sector of the Land use Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Фамиль. Рустамов
Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education, "Economic problems of the agricultural sector" department
Ph.D., docent