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The International Competitiveness of Azerbaijanian Horticulture

Namig Shalbuzov Alovsat, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Ramil Huseyn Zahid, Doctor of Economics

23746 ­ ­ EN ­ ­ 32. April 2020 ­ ­­ ­ Azerbaijan agriculture competitiveness DRC export

In the paper the past and future international competitiveness of Azerbaijanian horticulture is assessed by calculating domestic resource cost (DRC) ratios using data for 2015–17 as a base. Future international competitiveness is estimated for 2020 under two scenarios: baseline (current productivity), dynamic improvements in productivity. The analysis indicates that staying at the same level of productivity will have a negative impact on the international competitiveness of Azerbaijanian horticulture. To maintain competitiveness in the arable sector, Azerbaijan will need to achieve dynamic improvements in productivity, which is possible according to estimations of Agricultural Economics Research Center. The research is implemented based on plant growing products due to higher competitiveness rates compared to livestock sector’s products.



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Fuad. Ibrahimov

Economic issues expert of the Center for Socio-Economic and Ecological Research Public Union

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Farman. Guliyev

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Manzar. Nasibova

Senior researcher


Narmin. Sattarova

Ph.D. student of the Odlar Yurdu University


Farman. Karimov

Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Plants


Khayyam. Javadzadeh

Azerbaijan State University of Economics, UNEC

  Ph.D., docent  

Islam. Ibrahimov

Baku Business University

  prof, dr  

Israfil. Ismayilov

Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

  Prof. Dr.  

Nargiz. Hasanova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Nurida. Gasimova

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan University of Cooperation


Sevil. Maharramova

PhD student of the Scientific Research Institute of Agromechanics


Anar. Bayramov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Sadi. Ismayilov

Assistant director of Beylagan RASIC

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Said. Mustafayev

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Samir. Agayev

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)


Zakir. Guliyev

Baku Business University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics