Characteristics of the system of regulation of public-private partnership projects for agri-industrial innovation
Ramiz Isgandarov Kamal, prof, dr |
Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
Fuad Rzayev Balababa |
Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
The implementation of public-private partnership projects for agro-industrial innovations requires an appropriate regulatory system. The article examines the formation and development of the regulatory framework for the regulation of public-private partnership projects in the agricultural sector. The processes of implementation of public-private partnership projects on agro-industrial innovations and their regulation are characterized. The possibilities of forming a system of regulation of public-private partnerships for relevant innovations have been identified.
Rena. Musayeva
Department of “Economic Regulation” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)
Idris. Hojatov
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Dendrology
junior researcher
Javid. Hasanov
Senior specialist, Agricultural Research Center Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center
Savalan. Seyfaddinov
Senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Ph.D. in Agrarian Sciences