Characteristics of the system of regulation of public-private partnership projects for agri-industrial innovation
Ramiz Isgandarov Kamal, prof, dr |
Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
Fuad Rzayev Balababa |
Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
The implementation of public-private partnership projects for agro-industrial innovations requires an appropriate regulatory system. The article examines the formation and development of the regulatory framework for the regulation of public-private partnership projects in the agricultural sector. The processes of implementation of public-private partnership projects on agro-industrial innovations and their regulation are characterized. The possibilities of forming a system of regulation of public-private partnerships for relevant innovations have been identified.
Main factors and practical aspects of the digital environment in agrarian sector
R. Balayev • UOT: 63. 51. 33. • 2020 -
Directions of securing sustainable development based on innovation processes in the agro-industry
T. Huseynov, F. Huseynov • UDC: 338.22.01, 338.43 • 2020 -
Regulation of the agrarian market through customs-tariff regulation tools
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Development of beekeeping and its impact on tourism
Y. Humbatov, N. Javadov • UOT: 63.637. 69:379.8 • 2020
Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy
M. Rzayev • UOT: 338.2, 338.43 • 2020 -
Factors affecting development of poultry breeding sector in Azerbaijan
E. Latifova • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:338.23 • 2021 -
Directions of development of production and processing of tobacco in Azerbaijan
Y. Sadigov • UOT: 633/635, 664 • 2021 -
Assessment of the impact of rural tourism on the socio-economic development of the country
A. Huseyn • UOT: 338.48, 338.49, 379.8 • 2021
Kamala. Sadygova
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Dendrology
Yunus. Sadigov
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, Lead Researcher
Ph.D., docent