Characteristics of the system of regulation of public-private partnership projects for agri-industrial innovation
Ramiz Isgandarov Kamal, prof, dr |
Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
Fuad Rzayev Balababa |
Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Technical University | | |
The implementation of public-private partnership projects for agro-industrial innovations requires an appropriate regulatory system. The article examines the formation and development of the regulatory framework for the regulation of public-private partnership projects in the agricultural sector. The processes of implementation of public-private partnership projects on agro-industrial innovations and their regulation are characterized. The possibilities of forming a system of regulation of public-private partnerships for relevant innovations have been identified.
Lotanna. Emediegwu
Department of Economics, The University of Manchester, UK | Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria | Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Andriy. Popovych
Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej, Warszawa, Polska / Agricultural and Food Economics State Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland