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Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

Ramil Huseyn Zahid, Doctor of Economics

13209 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 40. August 2022 ­ ­­ ­ non-oil exports export subsidy agriculture hazelnuts evaluatıon

Azerbaijan has started to provide export subsidy for peeled hazelnuts since 2018, and 11.1 million manats have been paid from the state budget for this purpose over three years. This article evaluates the export subsidy paid for hazelnuts in Azerbaijan based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability and analyzes the impact of this measures on hazelnut production and export. It was concluded that hazelnuts are a competitive product of Azerbaijan and would be one of the most exported products in the non-oil sector in 2018-2020, even if it is not subsidized to export. At the same time, the role of hazelnuts in increasing the export of nonoil products was evaluated and relevant proposals/suggestions were made to expand its exports.



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Azerbaijan RPA Hydrotechnics and Melioration

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Orkhan. Balayev

Education Center of Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic


Yegane. Abbasova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Farman. Guliyev

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Aligulu. Mehdiyev

Ph.D. student of Baku Engineering University


Maharram. Huseynov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  prof, dr  

Isak. Hasanov

Head of Shamkir Support Point


Mushfiq. Tukanov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Parviz. Aliyev

Chief of department, Agricultural Research Center
Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Фамиль. Рустамов

Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education, "Economic problems of the agricultural sector" department

  Ph.D., docent  

Vusala. Babayeva

Doctor of Science Program of Agricultural Economics Research Center

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Aygul. Salimova

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Tarlan. Gorchiyeva

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Fariz. Suleymanov

Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Naila. Aliyeva

Associate professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Samir. Agayev

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)