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Mechanisms for sustainable use of agricultural land

Hamza Khalilov Agakishi, prof, dr

18357 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 40. August 2022 ­ ­­ ­ agricultural land sustainable use sustainable use mechanisms sustainable use methods fertility assurance land consolidation

Ensuring the sustainable use of agricultural land is associated with the formation of adequate mechanisms in this area. In the article, the noted mechanisms are considered in the general context of global approaches to solving the problem of sustainable use of agricultural land. The main attention is paid to the improvement of agricultural land management mechanisms in accordance with the principles of sustainable use. In this regard, the possibility of interconnected application of tools for regulating land fertility is assessed. At the same time, the use of land consolidation practices to support the application of sustainable use practices, as well as to expand opportunities in this direction, is being explored.



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Abdulrahim. Dadashov

Ph.D. candidate of UNEC, Agricultural Economics Research Center


Boyukxanum. Abdulkarim

Baku State University


Ayaz. Museyibov

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication


Farman. Karimov

Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Plants


Samir. Maharramov

Doctoral student of Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University


Samir. Agayev

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)


Naila. Aliyeva

Associate professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Gunel. Naghiyeva

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Rashad. Ahmadov

Education Center of Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic


Firidun. Taghiyev

Head of department of Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Gamar. Ibrahimova

Special Constructor Technology Bureau of the National Aerocosmic Agency


Ruhiyya. Gambarova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Vusala. Nagiyeva

Azerbaijan Cooperation University

  Ph.D., docent  

Talib. Huseynov

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Natig. Javadov

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  prof, dr  

Ayaz. Museyibov

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication