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Implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 standard in a Livestock Scientific Research Institute: experience and recommendations

Galib Sharifov Gabil, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

7964 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 44. December 2023 ­ ­­ ­ quality management system quality policy personnel involvement leadership stakeholders process approach risk management

The article discusses the experience of creating a quality management system at the Animal Husbandry Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 in 2022/2023. The article describes the conceptual problems of implementing a quality management system in research institutes, the elements necessary for its successful functioning, the identification and assessment of specific risks, process diagrams, etc. Detailed information and samples of collected documents are presented, which are recommended for use in similar projects. It is concluded that the implementation of management systems in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard will be a step forward in a more sustainable and safe development of research organizations working in the field of agriculture and beyond.



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Head of Shamkir Support Point


Talib. Huseynov

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Lotanna. Emediegwu

Department of Economics, The University of Manchester, UK | Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria | Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Sarvan. Jafarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Akif. Aghbabali

Baku State University


Alizamin. Guliyev

Azerbaijan Technical University, Ph.D.


Vusala. Nagiyeva

Azerbaijan Cooperation University

  Ph.D., docent  

Izzat. Talibov

Chief consultant in Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Gulnar. Bashirova

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Ulviyya. Rasulova

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Yegane. Abbasova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Teymur. Nagibeyli

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Farman. Guliyev

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Samir. Akhmedov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Ismayil. Kheyirkhabarov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Ph.D., docent  

Heydar. Agayev

Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Cooperation University