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Directions for the recovery and forecasting of production indicators of agriculture in liberated territories

Firdovsi Fikratzade Fikrat, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Saadat Hajiyeva Intigam

43988 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 34. October 2020 ­ ­­ ­ liberated territories recovery of agriculture land reform arable area number of animals crop products live-stock products perspective production forecast

The recovery and development of agriculture in liberated territories is one of the main duties facing us now.  Damage caused to agriculture by wars/conflicts and an overview of the world experience of the recovery of agriculture in post-conflict zones were given in this article.  In this way, the directions for the recovery of agriculture in liberated territories of Azerbaijan were determined, as well as the forthcoming production indicators as a result of the recovery of agriculture in these territories were forecasted.



Assessment of the effectiveness of agricultural subsidies in Azerbaijan

Abstract The practice of providing state support to agriculture, including subsidizing area, had become an essential element of the global agricultural system. This article discussed the theoretical aspects ...

The impact of price parity on producers’ income in agrarian sector

Abstract In this article, an increase in producer prices and production cost of agricultural products has been analyzed and in the current situation, the level of prices in terms of producers has been ...

Regulation of the agrarian market through customs-tariff regulation tools

Summary In the article, the existing theoretical approaches to the impact of customs-tariff regulations on the agrarian market has been analyzed and the actual situation on the customs tariff policy in ...

Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

Abstract In modern conditions, sustainable intensification is becoming a factor that combines dynamic productivity growth in agriculture with compliance with environmental requirements and increased ...

About methodological bases of the risk assessment process in agriculture

The formation of a risk management system in agriculture requires a more thorough study of its methodological base. In this regard, the existing classifications of agricultural risks are considered, the ...

Directions for improving the regulation system of the use of irrigation water in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The article examines the experience of the countries of the world in the formation, evolution and current state of regulatory systems related to the use of irrigation water in agriculture, analyzes the role of ...

Regulation of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan in terms of the principles of sustainable development

The problem of sustainability was initially analyzed in the article, then the principles of sustainable development of the agrarian field were listed, the “Three Columns” concept that combine ...

Stimulation of agricultural innovation implementation in Azerbaijan

The article focuses on the importance and key aspects of agricultural innovation in contemporary times, as well as the establishment of agricultural innovation systems, and explores measures to foster the ...

Characteristics of the competition in the market of agricultural products in the conditions of the transition to the modern value chain

The article discusses the features of market structures in agro-food systems in modern conditions and their impact on the competitive environment. The main attention is paid to the disclosure of features in ...





Lotanna. Emediegwu

Department of Economics, The University of Manchester, UK | Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria | Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Idris. Hojatov

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Dendrology

  junior researcher  

Ceyran. Babirova

Ph.D. student Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Ibrahim. Jafarov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  Corresponding member of ANAS, prof  

Savalan. Seyfaddinov

Senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

  Ph.D. in Agrarian Sciences  

Maharram. Huseynov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  prof, dr  

Vugar. Mehdiyev

h.D., Associate Professor, V.M. Mehdiyev Azerbaijan University of Cooperation

  Ph.D., docent  

Sabuhi. Eldarov

Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Plants


Zaur. Asadov

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Gamar. Ibrahimova

Special Constructor Technology Bureau of the National Aerocosmic Agency


Jahani. Nusretzade

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Nargiz. Hasanova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Alamdar. Asgarov

Vegetable Research Institute


Bahruz. Nuriyev

Chief consultant in Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Yegane. Abbasova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Islam. Ibrahimov

Baku Business University

  prof, dr