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Energy use in agriculture: a view in the context of efficiency and sustainability

Hamza Khalilov Agakishi, prof, dr

18130 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 34. October 2020 ­ ­­ ­ agriculture energy energy consumption energy efficiency sustainable development

The article analyzes the dynamics of energy consumption in agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is noted that a relatively high level of primary energy consumption is formed in the agricultural sector. At the same time, energy efficiency in the current situation remains low. On the other hand, the growing level of energy consumption, as well as its structural features, are not favorable from the point of view of adhering to the principle of sustainability in agricultural development. In this regard, the article emphasizes the need to include the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation strategies among the priorities for the development of the agricultural sector.



The growth rate of agricultural production in Azerbaijan: features of the dynamics and the role of resource factors

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Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

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Mechanisms for sustainable use of agricultural land

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Characteristics of the competition in the market of agricultural products in the conditions of the transition to the modern value chain

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Nigar. Gasimova

Agricultural Research Center, senior specialist


Ramil. Asgarov

Doctoral student of Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Nargiz. Hasanova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


. Shahla

Baku State University


Nizami. Gafarov

Doctor of Science Program of Agro Researches Center

  Ph.D., docent  

Namig. Shalbuzov

Deputy Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Mushfiq. Tukanov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Chilenay. Abishova

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Nurida. Gasimova

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan University of Cooperation


Vusala. Babayeva

Doctor of Science Program of Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Abrehet. Mehari

Lecturer in Ethiopia Civil Service University, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa; Ph.D. candidate in Azerbaijan State University of Economics


Abbas. Safarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Sarvan. Jafarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Akif. Aghbabali

Baku State University


Narmin. Sattarova

Ph.D. student of the Odlar Yurdu University


Umkhanim. Agakishiyeva

Teacher of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction