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Evaluation the results of state regulation the export of agricultural and food products in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Parviz Aliyev Fuad

24527 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 35. Januray 2021 ­ ­­ ­ agricultural and food products state support policy export import processed agricultural products assessment of export efficiency export promotion

The article examines the state policy to strengthen the export potential of agricultural and food products in Azerbaijan, and also shows the measures taken in the main directions in this area. At the same time, the features of the export of agricultural products were studied, the commodity structure of exports and imports was analyzed, and the comparison of exports and imports of processed agricultural products with fresh agricultural products was made, the place of individual countries in the export of local products was shown. The evaluations were carried out in the context of the impact of regulatory measures on the issues under study.

At the end, proposals were made to improve export activities in the field of agriculture and food products.



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Elay. Zeynalli

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Elbrus. Akbarov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), senior lecturer


Teymur. Nagibeyli

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Aykhan. Gadashov

Head of the portal Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Ayaz. Museyibov

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication


Nazrin. Ramazanova

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Jahani. Nusretzade

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Gulsum. Badirzade

Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Cooperation University


Elnur. Alakbarov

Dissertant of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Saadat. Hajiyeva

Agricultural Economics Research Center, Deputy director


Ramiz. Isgandarov

Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University

  prof, dr  

Khayyam. Javadzadeh

Azerbaijan State University of Economics, UNEC

  Ph.D., docent  

. Shahla

Baku State University



Center for Local Economic Reforms

  Ph.D., docent  

Manzar. Nasibova

Senior researcher


Rena. Musayeva

Department of “Economic Regulation” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)