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Improvement of natural and agricultural district of Azerbaijan

Akif Valiyev Hamza, Doctor of Economics

22583 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 38. November 2021 ­ ­­ ­ agriculture zoning environment climate active temperature natural and economic zoning soil type and subtypes agricultural crops


The aim of the study is to improve the natural and agricultural zoning the country from the point of view of modern requirements based on the "climate-soil-plant" model to assess the impact of changes in the environment on agriculture as an important sector of the economy.

The research was carried out on the basis of methods - scientific abstractions, research, systematic and comparative analyzes, logical generalizations. The article analyzes the schemes of natural and agricultural zoning, developed in Azerbaijan to date, and indicates their shortcomings. At the same time, a new natural-agricultural zoning was proposed in accordance with the requirements of the rational use of natural resources (land and water resources), the correct placement of agricultural lands in the country, taking into account the impact of the environment in modern conditions.

The results of the study can be used with the correct placement of agricultural crops in the country, the application of modern agrotechnical measures, the development of appropriate programs and projects related to the development of agriculture, as well as in the educational process of the relevant higher educational institutions.



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Nizami. Gafarov

Doctor of Science Program of Agro Researches Center

  Ph.D., docent  

Nijat. Muradov

Ph.D. student of the Institute of Economics, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Firidun. Taghiyev

Head of department of Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Parviz. Aliyev

Chief of department, Agricultural Research Center
Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Khaliq. Ghafarli

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Gabil. Kazimov

Research Institute of Crop Husbandry


Lotanna. Emediegwu

Department of Economics, The University of Manchester, UK | Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria | Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Ruhiyya. Mammadrzayeva

Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Plants


Yusif. Abayev

Ph.D. student of the İnstitute of Economics of ANAS


Orkhan. Balayev

Education Center of Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic


Jalal. Safarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Tahmasib. Huseynov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Aligulu. Mehdiyev

Ph.D. student of Baku Engineering University


Aygul. Salimova

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Abbas. Safarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Jahani. Nusretzade

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing