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Cooperation and integration of agriculture: modern approaches and development trends

Vahid Abbasov Hajibey, prof, dr

Aytekin Huseynli Mammad

21031 ­ ­ AZ ­ ­ 38. November 2021 ­ ­­ ­ agriculture cooperation integration cooperatives individual entrepreneurs food industry


The article describes the economic necessity and scientific and practical issues of the formation and development of cooperation and agro-industrial integration in meeting the needs of the country's population in food and food products, raw materials of the processing industry. The economic and organizational features of identifying the effectiveness of systemic factors aimed at maximizing the demand for industrial raw materials of agricultural origin and consumer goods made from it are considered. Referring to the regulatory framework adopted at the international and national levels, the current trends in the development of cooperation and agro-industrial integration in agricultural production, the levels of concentration in agriculture and industrial production, the conditions for the use of resources and their impact on production efficiency were commented. The main priorities have been determined to increase the application of the system of relations on the basis of predetermined medium and long-term contracts in the production, processing and delivery of agricultural products to consumers to a satisfactory level.



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Regulation of production relations in the food industry

In the article, the current state of the production relations of the enterprises operating in the food industry was analyzed and it was shown that the said relations do not ensure the balanced development of ...





Parviz. Aliyev

Chief of department, Agricultural Research Center
Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Arshad. Yashar

Head of land identification and geographical data sector of the Land use Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Huseynaga. Asadov

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Dendrology

  Ph.D., ass, pr  

Vuqar. Namazov

Ph.D. candidate of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)


Turana. Mustafayeva

Ph.D. student of Western Caspian University


Rafiz. Ismayilli

student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Agshin. Huseynzade

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Turan. Ahmadli

Special Constructor Technology Bureau of the National Aerocosmic Agency


Vugar. Mehdiyev

h.D., Associate Professor, V.M. Mehdiyev Azerbaijan University of Cooperation

  Ph.D., docent  

Turaj. Musayev

Agricultural Economics Research Center, leading specialist


Faig. Huseynov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Namig. Shalbuzov

Deputy Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Andriy. Popovych

Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej, Warszawa, Polska / Agricultural and Food Economics State Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland


Maarif. Yusiphov

Vegetable Research Institute


Samir. Agayev

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)



Center for Local Economic Reforms

  Ph.D., docent