Improving the creditworthiness and credit security of agricultural producers
Ulker Mammadova Shahin |
Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Cooperation University | | |
AbstractThe article examines the opportunities to increase the level of credit security of agricultural producers in the context of facilitating access to finance. In this area, the important role of producer creditworthiness in facilitating access to finance was highlighted. Approaches to assessing this ability were commented, the current level was assessed and ways to improve it were studied. The importance of promoting the activity of small and medium-sized agricultural producers in the credit market, protection of export-oriented and innovative agricultural activities, accelerating the process of improving the organizational and legal support for the development of innovative and unsecured loans was highlighted. In order to increase the interest of banks in the agricultural sector, opportunities to optimize the role of the state in the regulation of the credit market, the promotion of agricultural cooperation were explored. Proposals were made on the use of digital technologies in the field to improve the provision of credit to agricultural producers, to improve the monitoring of lending, to improve marketing activities.
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Gulnara. Jafarova
Agricultural Economics Research Center, leading specialist
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Nneka. Osadolor
Department of Economics, University of Benin, Nigeria Department of Economics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Tahmasib. Huseynov
Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Galib. Hajiyev
Department of “Economy of enterprise” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)
Ph.D., docent

Firdovsi. Fikratzade
Doctoral student at the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics