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Saadat Hajiyeva Intigam,

Characteristics of the competition in the market of agricultural products in the conditions of the transition to the modern value chain

The article discusses the features of market structures in agro-food systems in modern conditions and their impact on the competitive environment. The main attention is paid to the disclosure of features in ...

Directions for the recovery and forecasting of production indicators of agriculture in liberated territories

The recovery and development of agriculture in liberated territories is one of the main duties facing us now.  Damage caused to agriculture by wars/conflicts and an overview of the world experience of the ...

Regulation of the agrarian market through customs-tariff regulation tools

Summary In the article, the existing theoretical approaches to the impact of customs-tariff regulations on the agrarian market has been analyzed and the actual situation on the customs tariff policy in ...

The impact of price parity on producers’ income in agrarian sector

Abstract In this article, an increase in producer prices and production cost of agricultural products has been analyzed and in the current situation, the level of prices in terms of producers has been ...



Vahid. Amrahov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University


Islam. Ibrahimov

Baku Business University


Bagish. Ahmadov

Deputy Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Tamraz. Temrazov

Vegetable Research Institute


Aydin. Asgarov

Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS


Фамиль. Рустамов

Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education, "Economic problems of the agricultural sector" department


Ulker. Mammadova

Ph.D. student of the Azerbaijan Cooperation University


Jahani. Nusretzade

Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing and Tea-growing


Fakhraddin. Aghayev

Vegetable Research Institute