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Esmira Latifova Nazim,

Improving the breeding works Buffalo

Buffalo breeding is considered one of the most important areas of livestock. In some countries, especially in the eastern and southeastern regions, buffaloes are widely used as draught animals, but in ...

State regulation of dairy cattle breeding

AbstractThe main objective of the livestock is breeding of high productive farm animals, improving existing and creation of new and more productive breeds. In this case, bred animals, along with productive ...

Factors affecting development of poultry breeding sector in Azerbaijan

The provision of local population with the high-quality and healthy food products, especially with the animal protein, is one of the main priorities of the Azerbaijani Government. This article analyzes the ...



Savalan. Seyfaddinov

Senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Narmin. Sattarova

Ph.D. student of the Odlar Yurdu University


Reshad. Huseynov

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication


Naila. Aliyeva

Associate professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center


Tural. Mammadzade

Ph.D. student of


Ayaz. Museyibov

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication


Firidun. Taghiyev

Head of department of Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Фамиль. Рустамов

Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education, "Economic problems of the agricultural sector" department


Vahid. Abbasov

Head of the Department of Economics, Baku State University