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The founder of the scientific-practical journal (ISSN: 2788-8746 E-ISSN: 2788-8754) "Agricultural economics" is the Agricultural Economics Research Center under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal was registered with the number 3397 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 18.04.2011 and re-included in the “List of scientific publications recommended to publish the main results of dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan” according to the decision of 11.12.2020 on economic sciences by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The scientific-practical journal ”Agricultural economics“ is the legal successor of the ”Scientific works" journal of the Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture published in 2011-2018.

The articles are published in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, Russian and English).

Agroeconomics magazine

Purpose and scope


The journal of "Agricultural Economics" serves as a platform for analysis and discussion of the results of theoretical and practical researches on the economy of agriculture, as well as agricultural policy. The journal publishes original articles and analytical comments on the research of economic problems of agricultural production, processing, sustainable use of resources, as well as the development of rural areas.

Publication frequency


The journal ”Agricultural economics" is being published not less than once every quarter.

Section headings

  • State regulation of Agriculture
  • Issues of economic efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production
  • Development of agricultural market
  • Development of infrastructure and provision of production resources
  • Formation and development of agricultural-based clusters
  • Rural development, human resources, and employment problems
  • Agricultural insurance, credit and, financial problems
Harmful temperatures and consumption expenditure: evidence from Nigerian households

Harmful temperatures and consumption expenditure: evidence from Nigerian households

30 Oktyabr 2024 ­ 3912 J. Animashaun, L. Emediegwu, N. Osadolor, O. Okoror • UOT: 551.58

This paper examines the effect of changes in temperature on households’ food expenditure in Nigeria. Using micro-data on consumption expenditure from Nigerian households, we find that extreme heat increases per capita consumption expenditure during dry seasons but not in wet seasons. Prior works show that small-scale farmers ...

The role of science, technology and innovation in the sustainable development of agriculture

The role of science, technology and innovation in the sustainable development of agriculture

14 Oktyabr 2020 ­ 34865 I. Huseynova • UOT: 004, 579.64, 631.1

The article emphasizes the need to apply science-intensive technologies and expand innovative activities to ensure sustainable development of agriculture. The importance of new generation technologies in accelerating the innovative development of the agricultural sector is revealed. At the same time, the role of projects implemented ...

Index insurance in the agricultural field: a view of world experience and implementation possibilities in Azerbaijan

Index insurance in the agricultural field: a view of world experience and implementation possibilities in Azerbaijan

21 Sentyabr 2023 ­ 13951 K. Ghafarli • UOT: 338.43, 338.434: 368.5

The article examines the essence of agrarian insurance, its working mechanisms and its application in different countries of the world. Special attention is paid to issues related to index insurance in agriculture. The features and directions of application of indexed insurance are explained. The practices of applying indexed insurance ...

Sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of livingstandards

Sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of livingstandards

02 Mart 2022 ­ 21411 E. Alakbarov • UOT: 332.338.49:911.37

The article analyzes the provision of sustainable development in rural areas and improve the living standards of rural population. The important factors for sustainable development of rural areas were identified and the development of rural development plan was recommended.