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Article submission guideline

Articles can be sent to the e-mail address of the journal in a written paper version or in an electronic form.

The accompanying letter requires the authors to confirm that the articles submitted to the journal are not submitted elsewhere, not accepted for publication, and not published elsewhere (either in whole or in a significant part). At the same time, the article must be original and all authors must confirm that they have read the submitted version of the manuscript.       

 Necessary note: the author is responsible for the facts and figures contained in the published materials.

The minimum size of households in the crop production: standard approach by criteria of minimum life

The minimum size of households in the crop production: standard approach by criteria of minimum life

29 İyun 2020 ­ 26950 N. Shalbuzov • UOT: 631.1.017

Abstract The identification of the minimum size definition of the households in rural areas were investigated in the article. To determine the minimum farm size, the total amount of financial resources and other necessary consumption expenditures needed to provide food for a family living in rural areas in accordance with the minimum ...

The growth rate of agricultural production in Azerbaijan: features of the dynamics and the role of resource factors

The growth rate of agricultural production in Azerbaijan: features of the dynamics and the role of resource factors

01 İyul 2018 ­ 31586 H. Khalilov • UOT: 33. 63. 336

Abstract The article analyzes the growth dynamics of agricultural production and the role of resource factors in its formation in the period after the fundamental agrarian reforms carried out in the conditions of independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is shown that under these conditions, in the regime of successive expansion of ...

Current problems and efficiency of water resources usage in agriculture

Current problems and efficiency of water resources usage in agriculture

21 Fevral 2022 ­ 24432 M. Rzayev • UOT: 631.587. 631.6.02. 631.95. 338.054.

The limited resources of water resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the growing tendency of its decrease due to the climate change, makes it necessary its efficient usage in the agriculture. Measures to conserve water resources consumed by the irrigation should be based on the results of an assessment of the current situation. ...

The monitoring and evaluation of food and agricultural policies
in Azerbaijan Republic based on MAFAP methodology

The monitoring and evaluation of food and agricultural policies in Azerbaijan Republic based on MAFAP methodology

01 İyul 2021 ­ 28401 P. Aliyev • UOT: 338.23, 338.43

The article describes the calculation of the Nominal Protection Ratio (NRP), a key indicator of the MAFAP methodology developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the interpretation of the results obtained in terms of trade policy assessment NRP is the degree to which the domestic market, trade ...