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Article submission guideline

Articles can be sent to the e-mail address of the journal in a written paper version or in an electronic form.

The accompanying letter requires the authors to confirm that the articles submitted to the journal are not submitted elsewhere, not accepted for publication, and not published elsewhere (either in whole or in a significant part). At the same time, the article must be original and all authors must confirm that they have read the submitted version of the manuscript.       

 Necessary note: the author is responsible for the facts and figures contained in the published materials.

The role of slope farming in soil conservation

The role of slope farming in soil conservation

30 Oktyabr 2024 ­ 4656 N. Shalbuzov, T. Hajiyeva • UOT: 332.33, 332.362, 332.365

The article analyzes the importance, advantages of planting in sloping areas, the influence of natural factors on arable land and methods to combat these factors. Simultaneously, the experience of countries around the world fulfilling programs to support farmers for planting in sloping areas has been studied. Also, according to the ...

Methodological issues of agrobusiness environment evaluation

Methodological issues of agrobusiness environment evaluation

05 Mart 2022 ­ 23183 S. Jafarov • UOT: 338.23, 338.43

One of the important conditions for the dynamic development of agricultural production is the creation of favorable conditions for business in this area. The article describes the structure of the business environment and its features in the agricultural sector. The main focus is on the analysis of different approaches to the assessment ...

Competition models and market forces in the agricultural sector

Competition models and market forces in the agricultural sector

17 Fevral 2025 ­ 1499 A. Bayramov • UOT: 330.34, 338.43

The article describes the nature of competition, the approaches to this issue that existed in different periods. Market structures and competition models, as well as the practices of scientific analysis of these models are explained. At the same time, the manifestations of competitive forces in the agricultural sector are illustrated. ...

Functions and models of economic regulation mechanism of viticulture and winemaking

Functions and models of economic regulation mechanism of viticulture and winemaking

24 Fevral 2022 ­ 21712 L. Hajiyeva • UOT: 338.23, 338.43:633/635

Economic regulation plays an active role in the overall system of regulation of viticulture and winemaking. Such a situation manifests itself, above all, in the characteristics of the functional structure of the means of economic regulation. As in all other systems, the functions of economic instruments in the regulation of viticulture ...