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Requirements for the article


Requirements for the articles submited for publication in the scientific-practical journal "Agricultural Economics" of the Agricultural Economics Research Center:

  • The structure of the presented articles should be in accordance with the generally accepted standards and requirements set by the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Title (UOT code, title of article not more than 10-12 words, author's (-s') name, patronymic, surname, scientific degree and scientific name, name of organization in which it works, position, e-mail address and telephone numbers are shown in sequence), abstract (consisting of 150-200 words), introduction (the urgency of the research topic, the level of study, the hypothesis of the research, the purpose of the research are shown), the list of references should be written down in the article. References should be shown alphabetically, sequentially numbered in the languages in which they are published.
  • The size of articles should not exceed 10-12 standard pages. The text should be written in the MS WORD software, with line-height between 1-1,5, Times New Roman font, 12pt font size.
  • Articles can be published in three languages - Azerbaijani, English and Russian.
  • At the end of the article (after the list of references), in addition to the written language, abstract and keywords should be given in two other languages, the abstract should also include the subject, author's (-s') name, patronymic, surname, scientific degree and scientific name, name of organization in which it works, position, e-mail address and telephone numbers, the article should be signed by the author(s).
  • The article should be submitted to the journal with a letter to the editor-in-chief, with the review of the scientific expert on the subject of the article, in a separate file. The article can be published after getting approval of the experts of the journal.
  • In a volume of the journal, more than one article from the author(s) may not be published.
  • Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be published and manuscripts of published articles will not be returned.

Note: The requirements of the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for scientific publications were taken into account while specifying the terms.

Soil and climatic factors of agricultural development in the liberated territories

Soil and climatic factors of agricultural development in the liberated territories

14 Oktyabr 2020 ­ 25171 A. Valiyev • UOT: 63, 91, 502.

The article examines the characteristics of soil and climatic factors for the development of agricultural production in the liberated territories. To this end, the composition of these lands on the territory by areas, the characteristics of suitability of land cover for agricultural production, the comparative condition of the quality of ...

Role of auditing in agriculture

Role of auditing in agriculture

24 Fevral 2022 ­ 16052 N. Hasanova • UOT: 336.67, 338.43

The issues of audit services in the agricultural sector are being addressed in the article. It is indicated that in order to strengthen the status of an independent enterprise in the agricultural sector, new approaches are needed in principle to control its activities. In this direction, there is a need for gradual elimination of ...

Providing financial resources to small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture

Providing financial resources to small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture

14 Mart 2022 ­ 15966 S. Akhmedov • UOT: 334.7, 338.4, 336:368

Improving the financial support of small and medium-sized businesses in the agricultural sector is one of the important conditions for accelerating the development of production. The article describes the structure of financial resources of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture. Based on the results of the analysis of the ...

Sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of livingstandards

Sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of livingstandards

02 Mart 2022 ­ 15805 E. Alakbarov • UOT: 332.338.49:911.37

The article analyzes the provision of sustainable development in rural areas and improve the living standards of rural population. The important factors for sustainable development of rural areas were identified and the development of rural development plan was recommended.