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How we review articles

Articles submitted for publication in the journal go through double-level quality control:

  • Formal control (compliance with the profile of the journal, anti-plagiarism check, compliance with formal requirements, required volume, structural design of the article, etc.) - is implemented by the responsible secretary of the journal;


  • Main control - implemented by reviewers. Two comments are received on the manuscript of each article. If these two opinions differ on the acceptance of the article for publication, the article may be given to a third person. Comments on the revision of the article are sent to the author, who submits an updated version of the article in response to the comments of the reviewer, along with a reference to the author.


If the submitted material is rejected based on the results of the initial inspection, a written notice (by e-mail) is sent to the author.


Peer review

The impact of soil drought on the formation of organs and productivity of vegetable pea

The impact of soil drought on the formation of organs and productivity of vegetable pea

09 Mart 2022 ­ 22017 M. Yusiphov, A. Asgarov, F. Aghayev • UOT: 631.65, 631.581.111.

The article describes the impact of soil drought on the formation of vegetative and generative organs (flowers, beans and grains) in vegetable pea, as well as on productivity. As a result of the research, it was determined that the soil drought had a negative impact on the formation of leaves, flowers, beans and grains in vegetable pea, ...

Methodological issues of agrobusiness environment evaluation

Methodological issues of agrobusiness environment evaluation

05 Mart 2022 ­ 22838 S. Jafarov • UOT: 338.23, 338.43

One of the important conditions for the dynamic development of agricultural production is the creation of favorable conditions for business in this area. The article describes the structure of the business environment and its features in the agricultural sector. The main focus is on the analysis of different approaches to the assessment ...

Providing financial resources to small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture

Providing financial resources to small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture

14 Mart 2022 ­ 21279 S. Akhmedov • UOT: 334.7, 338.4, 336:368

Improving the financial support of small and medium-sized businesses in the agricultural sector is one of the important conditions for accelerating the development of production. The article describes the structure of financial resources of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture. Based on the results of the analysis of the ...

State regulation of dairy cattle breeding

State regulation of dairy cattle breeding

17 Sentyabr 2021 ­ 30826 E. Latifova • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:338.23

AbstractThe main objective of the livestock is breeding of high productive farm animals, improving existing and creation of new and more productive breeds. In this case, bred animals, along with productive qualities, must also have high adaptation characteristics for industrial rearing. They also have to meet the requirements of fully ...