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Study of the resistance to salt (NaCl) stress of introduced and local cotton Varieties such as GOSSYPIUM H.

01 Oktyabr 2020 ­ 16156 R. Mammadrzayeva, S. Eldarov, E. Khalilov, F. Karimov

One of the main factors limiting the development of irrigated agriculture in Azerbaijan is soil salinization. Cotton is grown on more than 100,000 hectares in the country, and 35-40% of these fields have experienced moderate to severe salinization. In order to obtain high yields on saline soils, along with all reclamation ...

The impact of soil drought on the formation of organs and productivity of vegetable pea

01 Oktyabr 2020 ­ 16276 A. Asgarov, F. Aghayev, M. Yusiphov

The article describes the impact of soil drought on the formation of vegetative and generative organs (flowers, beans and grains) in vegetable pea, as well as on productivity. As a result of the research, it was determined that the soil drought had a negative impact on the formation of leaves, flowers, beans and grains in ...

Empowering agricultural development through digital transformation in Azerbaijan

01 Oktyabr 2020 ­ 17201 R. Huseyn, R. Huseynov, A. Museyibov

It is widely known that the level of Azerbaijan's non-oil export is significantly less than its existing potential. Accordingly, the government of Azerbaijan plans to increase its non-oil export to achieve export-led economic development. One of the important elements to achieve this goal is digital transformation of the ...

Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

11 İyul 2020 ­ 24181 H. Khalilov, F. Fikratzade

Abstract In modern conditions, sustainable intensification is becoming a factor that combines dynamic productivity growth in agriculture with compliance with environmental requirements and increased adaptation to climate change. The article examines the possibilities of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the ...

Priority Areas of Innovative Development of the Agrarian Sector

11 İyul 2020 ­ 24341 V. Babayeva

Abstract In the article, the directions of innovative economic development in the agricultural sector have been investigated, various supports for scientific research and improvements have been studied to stimulate innovation activity in the country. At the same time, information has been considered on the formation of ...

Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy

11 İyul 2020 ­ 20203 M. Rzayev

This article considers current status and development trends for the smart farming technologies in the context of urgency increasing of the efficiency of the agriculture under the scarcity of land and water resources and on-going climate change in Azerbaijan Republic. The current development of smart farming in the country have ...