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Javad Gojamanov

Ph.D. student of Baku State University


Javahir Allahverdiyeva

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  senior lecturer  

Javid Hasanov

Senior specialist, Agricultural Research Center Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Khaliq Ghafarli

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Khayala Guliyeva

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Konul Mamedova

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Lala Jabbarlı

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Leyla Hajiyeva

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Maarif Yusiphov

Vegetable Research Institute


Maharram Huseynov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  prof, dr  

Manzar Nasibova

Senior researcher


Mehman Rzayev

Azerbaijan RPA Hydrotechnics and Melioration

  doctor of agrarian sciences  

Mekhman Rzayev

Sumgait Chemical-Industrial Park

  doctor of agrarian sciences  

Mushfiga Mammadova

Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Ph.D., docent  

Mushfiq Tukanov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Naila Aliyeva

Associate professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Najiba Hajiyeva

Baku State University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Namig Shalbuzov

Deputy Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics