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Firdovsi Fikratzade

Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center, Doctoral student at the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Vahid Abbasov

Head of the Department of Economics, Baku State University

  prof, dr  

Hamza Khalilov

Agricultural Economics Research Center, Advisor to the director

  prof, dr  

Parviz Aliyev

Chief of department, Agricultural Research Center
Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Namig Shalbuzov

Deputy Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Sabina Valiyeva

Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center

  Ph.D., docent  

Akif Valiyev

Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Economics  

Ramil Huseyn

Center for Economic Reforms and Communication

  Doctor of Economics  

Turaj Musayev

Agricultural Economics Research Center, leading specialist


Saadat Hajiyeva

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Galib Sharifov

Member of the working group on the implementation of ISO standards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Esmira Latifova

Director Adviser, Agricultural Economics Research Center


Rasul Balayev

Azerbaijan State University of Economics, professor

  prof, dr  

Mehman Rzayev

Azerbaijan RPA Hydrotechnics and Melioration

  doctor of agrarian sciences  

Said Mustafayev

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Ramiz Isgandarov

Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University

  prof, dr  

Israfil Ismayilov

Advisor to the Chairman of “Agroservice” OJSC

  Prof. Dr.  

Fuad Ibrahimov

Economic issues expert of the Center for Socio-Economic and Ecological Research Public Union

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics