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Ph.D. in agrarian sciences, docent H.N. Nasibov



Baku State University


Abbas Safarov

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Abdulrahim Dadashov

Ph.D. candidate of UNEC, Agricultural Economics Research Center


Abrehet Mehari

Lecturer in Ethiopia Civil Service University, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa; Ph.D. candidate in Azerbaijan State University of Economics


Agshin Huseynzade

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Akif Aghbabali

Baku State University


Akif Aghbabali

Baku State University


Akif Valiyev

Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Economics  

Akram Hasanzada

Ph.D. student of the Agricultural Research Center


Alamdar Asgarov

Vegetable Research Institute


Aligulu Mehdiyev

Ph.D. student of Baku Engineering University


Alizamin Guliyev

Azerbaijan Technical University, Ph.D.


Alizamin Guliyev

Ph.D. candidate of the Azerbaijan Technical University


Anar Abbasov

Azerbaijan University of Cooperation

  prof, dr  

Arastun Jalilov

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Arshad Yashar

Head of sector in Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic


Arzu Huseyn

Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University

  Ph.D., docent