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Akif Aghbabali

Baku State University


Turan Ahmadli

Special Constructor Technology Bureau of the National Aerocosmic Agency


Faiq Gasimli

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Maharram Huseynov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  prof, dr  

Isak Hasanov

Head of Shamkir Support Point


Tural Mammadzade

Ph.D. student of


Rena Musayeva

Department of “Economic Regulation” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Elnur Alakbarov

Dissertant of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Abrehet Mehari

Lecturer in Ethiopia Civil Service University, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa; Ph.D. candidate in Azerbaijan State University of Economics


Agshin Huseynzade

Master of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)


Manzar Nasibova

Senior researcher


Ramiz Isgandarov

Department of "Economics and Statistics" of Azerbaijan Technical University

  prof, dr  

Israfil Ismayilov

Advisor to the Chairman of “Agroservice” OJSC

  Prof. Dr.  

Fuad Ibrahimov

Economic issues expert of the Center for Socio-Economic and Ecological Research Public Union

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Tarlan Gorchiyeva

PhD student of the Agricultural Economics Research Center


Ismayil Kheyirkhabarov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Ph.D., docent  

Tahmasib Huseynov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Vusala Babayeva

Doctor of Science Program of Agricultural Economics Research Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics