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Editorial Board

Editor-in-chief: Ph.D., Huseynov R.F. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Pr.Dr., Khalilov H.A. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan


Pr. Dr., Abbasov V.H. – Baku State University, Baku Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Atashov B.Kh.  - Azerbaijan University of Cooperation, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Babayeva V.M. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Balayev R.A. - Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Csaba Pesti - Institute of Agricultural Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Pr. Dr., Chakmak E.H. – Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey

Ph.D., Chang-Gil Kim - guest professor, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Ph.D., Fikretzade F.F.

Dr., Gasimli V.A. - University Professor The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ph.D., associate professor Hatamov A.N. - Azerbaijan State Agrarian University. Ganja, Azerbaijan

Dr. Huseyn R.Z. - Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Latifova E.N. - Ministry of Agriculture, Baku, Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Mukailov M.C. - Dagestan State Agricultural University, Makhachkala, Russia

Ph.D., University Professor, Mario Njavro - University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Ph.D., Rustamov V.A. - Center for Local Economic Reforms, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Siemen van Berkum - Wageningen Economic Research, part of Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Netherlands

Ph.D., Shalbuzov N.A. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Dr., Valiyev A.H. - Agricultural Economics Research Center, Baku Azerbaijan


Editor: Ismayilov V.C. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan


The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the sustainability of food security

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the sustainability of food security

23 Fevral 2022 ­ 20756 A. Jalilov • UOT: 339.97, 334.34.

The article analyzes the changes in food security caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The study shows the scale of the damage inflicted on the economies of the world's leading countries. The direction of economic and political steps of the state at the nearest time is revealed. The events that took place in the economy of the ...

Сarbon dioxide emissions and the main problems of global warming

Сarbon dioxide emissions and the main problems of global warming

30 Oktyabr 2024 ­ 3722 I. Ismayilov • УДК: 504.05; 504.06; 504.3

The article examines in detail the causes and consequences of climate change, global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the main problems caused by global warming. The level of carbon dioxide emissions per capita by country is analyzed and, based on reliable data from international organizations, the nomenclature of ...

Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

31 Yanvar 2021 ­ 30259 F. Fikratzade, H. Khalilov

Abstract In modern conditions, sustainable intensification is becoming a factor that combines dynamic productivity growth in agriculture with compliance with environmental requirements and increased adaptation to climate change. The article examines the possibilities of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the Republic of ...

Regulation of production relations in the food industry

Regulation of production relations in the food industry

21 Fevral 2024 ­ 7902 V. Abbasov, T. Gorchiyeva • UOT: 63.33, 330.54, 330.554

In the article, the current state of the production relations of the enterprises operating in the food industry was analyzed and it was shown that the said relations do not ensure the balanced development of the agro-food complex as a whole. In order to achieve a balanced development of the agro-food complex, the importance of the ...