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Editorial Board

Editor-in-chief: Ph.D., Huseynov R.F. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Pr.Dr., Khalilov H.A. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan


Pr. Dr., Abbasov V.H. – Baku State University, Baku Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Atashov B.Kh.  - Azerbaijan University of Cooperation, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Babayeva V.M. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Balayev R.A. - Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Csaba Pesti - Institute of Agricultural Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Pr. Dr., Chakmak E.H. – Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey

Ph.D., Chang-Gil Kim - guest professor, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Ph.D., Fikretzade F.F.

Dr., Gasimli V.A. - University Professor The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ph.D., associate professor Hatamov A.N. - Azerbaijan State Agrarian University. Ganja, Azerbaijan

Dr. Huseyn R.Z. - Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Latifova E.N. - Ministry of Agriculture, Baku, Azerbaijan

Pr. Dr., Mukailov M.C. - Dagestan State Agricultural University, Makhachkala, Russia

Ph.D., University Professor, Mario Njavro - University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Ph.D., Rustamov V.A. - Center for Local Economic Reforms, Baku Azerbaijan

Ph.D., Siemen van Berkum - Wageningen Economic Research, part of Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Netherlands

Ph.D., Shalbuzov N.A. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan

Dr., Valiyev A.H. - Agricultural Economics Research Center, Baku Azerbaijan


Editor: Ismayilov V.C. - Agro Researches Center, Baku Azerbaijan


Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

23 Avqust 2022 ­ 18679 R. Huseyn • UOT: 338.433, 339.5

Azerbaijan has started to provide export subsidy for peeled hazelnuts since 2018, and 11.1 million manats have been paid from the state budget for this purpose over three years. This article evaluates the export subsidy paid for hazelnuts in Azerbaijan based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and ...

Empowering agricultural development through digital transformation in Azerbaijan

Empowering agricultural development through digital transformation in Azerbaijan

09 Mart 2022 ­ 22750 A. Museyibov, R. Huseynov, R. Huseyn • UOT: 338.33, 338.364:338.43

It is widely known that the level of Azerbaijan's non-oil export is significantly less than its existing potential. Accordingly, the government of Azerbaijan plans to increase its non-oil export to achieve export-led economic development. One of the important elements to achieve this goal is digital transformation of the economic ...

Flora and vegetation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

Flora and vegetation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

23 Fevral 2022 ­ 22495 A. Asgarov • UOT: 58.006, 58.009

Data is being carried out on the flora and vegetation of the territories of Azerbaijan, which are under the occupation of Armenia and are currently liberated by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. The characteristic of natural phytocenoses, their distribution, significance and ways of their protection is given. Particular attention is paid ...

The role of improving accounting in the agricultural sector in increasing efficiency

The role of improving accounting in the agricultural sector in increasing efficiency

24 Fevral 2022 ­ 22388 E. Zeynalli • UOT: 338.43, 338.5

The article is devoted to the role of improving accounting and reporting in the agricultural sector increasing resource efficiency. For this purpose, the essence of accounting in the agricultural sector, the current situation of accounting in agriculture, innovations and steps taken in this field are studied. Also, the development ...