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Assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on agricultural export

Assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on agricultural export

07 Mart 2022 ­ 21557 R. Huseynov, R. Huseyn • UOT: 339.5, 339.54

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Azerbaijan's non-oil exports decreased by 5.3 percent in 2020 compared to 2019, but surprisingly agricultural exports remained stable. The analysis revealed that the agricultural sector was resilient during the crisis caused by the pandemic, and there was a slight increase in export of ...

Functions and models of economic regulation mechanism of viticulture and winemaking

Functions and models of economic regulation mechanism of viticulture and winemaking

24 Fevral 2022 ­ 21704 L. Hajiyeva • UOT: 338.23, 338.43:633/635

Economic regulation plays an active role in the overall system of regulation of viticulture and winemaking. Such a situation manifests itself, above all, in the characteristics of the functional structure of the means of economic regulation. As in all other systems, the functions of economic instruments in the regulation of viticulture ...

Characteristics of the system of regulation of public-private partnership projects for agri-industrial innovation

Characteristics of the system of regulation of public-private partnership projects for agri-industrial innovation

14 Mart 2022 ­ 22500 R. Isgandarov, F. Rzayev • UOT: 330. 334.7

The implementation of public-private partnership projects for agro-industrial innovations requires an appropriate regulatory system. The article examines the formation and development of the regulatory framework for the regulation of public-private partnership projects in the agricultural sector. The processes of implementation of ...

Assessment of the impact of customs tariff policy on the investment attractiveness of agriculture in Azerbaijan

Assessment of the impact of customs tariff policy on the investment attractiveness of agriculture in Azerbaijan

05 Yanvar 2020 ­ 29592 B. Ahmadov • UOT: 33.024, 33.05, 338.45

Abstract One of the ways to improve the competitiveness of local goods is to establish high import duties on these goods, and low on investment and intermediate goods used in their production. The article analyzes the main directions of the tariff policy in relation to investment and intermediate imported goods used in the production of ...