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Agricultural economics 33 (07-2020)


Articles in this issue

Opportunities for Improving Logistics: Looking in the Context of Cross-Country Comparisons

15 Mart 2022 ­ 23288 S. Maharramov • UOT: 338.47, 339.5:339.9

The growing interest in logistics as a new scientific and practical direction, on the one hand, is due to the need to develop a market orientation of the economy, on the other hand, growing production costs, fundamental changes in the philosophy of resource management, widespread use of marketing concepts and computer ...

Foreign and domestic experience in the development of information and consulting services in the agricultural sector

15 Mart 2022 ­ 22610 H. Namazova • UOT: 338.43, 338.46

The article explores foreign and domestic experience in providing information and consulting services to the subjects of the agrarian sector. The article provides a definition of the concept of ICS and notes the main directions of their activities in the context of innovative development of the agricultural sector. The article ...

Issue of food security in the national security system

15 Mart 2022 ­ 23820 E. Akbarov • UOT: 330. 338.43

 The article provides information on the role of food security as an integral part of national security in providing the country's population with the necessary volume and quality of food products, as well as conditioned factors of food security. Within the framework of current paper, strengthening food security, ...

Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy

15 Mart 2022 ­ 22192 M. Rzayev • UOT: 338.2, 338.43

This article considers current status and development trends for the smart farming technologies in the context of urgency increasing of the efficiency of the agriculture under the scarcity of land and water resources and on-going climate change in Azerbaijan Republic. The current development of smart farming in the country have ...

Fundamentals of organization of the commodity based derivatives market in Azerbaijan

15 Mart 2022 ­ 22589 V. Namazov • UOT: 336.761.6, 336.764/768, 339.172

The main objective of the research is to study the fundamentals needed to create derivative financial instruments based on important macroeconomic challenges such as improving price transparency, linking small businesses to markets, reducing operating costs, creating alternative financing instruments and market ...

Assessment of foreign experience in formation and development self-employment

15 Mart 2022 ­ 20140 A. Guliyev • UOT: 331.526, 339.9

The article analyzes the foreign experience of the formation and development of selfemployment in the agricultural sector. The experience of developed countries, countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is considered. The systems of regulation and stimulation of self-employment development used in ...