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Index insurance in the agricultural field: a view of world experience and implementation possibilities in Azerbaijan

43. April 2023 ­ 7000 K. Ghafarli • UOT: 338.43, 338.434: 368.5

The article examines the essence of agrarian insurance, its working mechanisms and its application in different countries of the world. Special attention is paid to issues related to index insurance in agriculture. The features and directions of application of indexed insurance are explained. The practices of applying indexed ...

Features of the development of agricultural insurance in Azerbaijan

34. October 2020 ­ 16937 V. Nagiyeva • UOT: 336.055, 338.43

The article examines the features of the development of agricultural insurance in Azerbaijan. The focus is on the risks that farmers face at any given time and the challenges they face in managing them. The factors determining the formation of agricultural insurance in the country are analyzed and evaluated. Certain ...

The role of the insurance mechanismin the sustainable development of agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 15789 C. Abishova • UOT: 33. 336.2: 338.4

The comprehensive development of the agricultural sector is important as one of the main directions of increasing the reliability of the country's food security, diversifying the economy, expanding its export potential. In order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a ...



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