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The role of science, technology and innovation in the sustainable development of agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 28671 I. Huseynova • UOT: 004, 579.64, 631.1

The article emphasizes the need to apply science-intensive technologies and expand innovative activities to ensure sustainable development of agriculture. The importance of new generation technologies in accelerating the innovative development of the agricultural sector is revealed. At the same time, the role of projects ...

Mechanism of market infrastructure development in the agricultural sector

34. October 2020 ­ 20778 M. Mammadova • UOT: 338.431.4

Abstract The article describes the characteristics of the market infrastructure, as well as the requirements for the formation of infrastructure related to the development of the agricultural sector. The article also discusses the main directions of the development of market infrastructure and gives appropriate estimates. The ...

Energy use in agriculture: a view in the context of efficiency and sustainability

34. October 2020 ­ 19715 H. Khalilov • UOT: 338.43, 338.432

The article analyzes the dynamics of energy consumption in agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is noted that a relatively high level of primary energy consumption is formed in the agricultural sector. At the same time, energy efficiency in the current situation remains low. On the other hand, the growing level of ...

Theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of value added tax on investment activities in agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 20715 B. Ahmadov • UOT: 338.43, 336.027, 336.22

Abstract Achieving sustainable agricultural development, ensuring economic, social and environmental balance in this area largely depends on investment decisions. The implementation of measures to increase investment activity in the agricultural sector directly serves the implementation of sustainable development goals. Taxes ...

Regulation of the agrarian market through customs-tariff regulation tools

34. October 2020 ­ 21081 S. Hajiyeva • UOT: 339.166.8 :330.543

Summary In the article, the existing theoretical approaches to the impact of customs-tariff regulations on the agrarian market has been analyzed and the actual situation on the customs tariff policy in Azerbaijan has been evaluated. The application of customs-tariff regulation as a policy instrument to the agricultural sector ...

Assessment of the level of use of production potential in the agricultural sector

32. April 2020 ­ 20382 V. Amrahov • UOT: 338.43

The article examines the efficiency of using existing production resources of the agricultural sector based on multivariate correlation and regression analysis. The role of land, technical and labor factors in the production of gross agricultural output is estimated using the appropriate model developed by the author. ...



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