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Criteria and indicators of economic efficiency of entrepreneurship in agriculture

36. April 2021 ­ 18667 N. Mirzayev • UOT: 338.432, 338.435

AbstractThe economic efficiency of any activity in a market economy is one of the most important conditions for its implementation. In this regard, the correct assessment of the economic efficiency of entrepreneurial activity is of particular importance. Efficiency - reflects the interaction of natural, organizational, ...

Directions of influence of financial mechanism on formation of competitiveness in agrobusiness system of our country in the conditions of coronavirus pandemic

32. April 2020 ­ 18185 R. Musayeva, A. Salimova, G. Hajiyev • UOT: 334.021, 658.1

Given the ongoing measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the growing role of the financial mechanism in the formation of a competitive environment for entrepreneurship in the agrobusiness system of our country is constantly observed. In this regard, the article notes the importance of studying ...



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