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Evaluation of agricultural service and rent by the hour of equipment operation

42. December 2022 ­ 9255 I. Ismayilov • UOT: 631.173

The determination of rent payment for agrotechnical services to farms with machinery, per unit of work and per time of work has been studied. It is determined that when paying the rent per unit of work the time losses caused by technical, technological, organizational, climatic conditions and other reasons during the ...

Directions for expanding the production of subtropical crop production based on innovative technologies

40. August 2022 ­ 12247 N. Gasimova • UOT: 338.43; 332.146

The article analyzes the current state of subtropical plant growing in Azerbaijan and notes the progress in this area. At the same time, opportunities arising from the application of innovative technologies in solving the issues of further expansion of the production and export of the main types of subtropical plants are ...

Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

40. August 2022 ­ 12883 R. Huseyn • UOT: 338.433, 339.5

Azerbaijan has started to provide export subsidy for peeled hazelnuts since 2018, and 11.1 million manats have been paid from the state budget for this purpose over three years. This article evaluates the export subsidy paid for hazelnuts in Azerbaijan based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and ...

Structural features of multifunctionality in agriculture

39. February 2022 ­ 14690 A. Safarov • UOT: 338.432, 338.436

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of the multifunctional nature of agricultural production. The main components of the emergent effect of the multifunctional system of agriculture are revealed. Based on the opinions of researchers about the multifunctionality of agriculture and the author's own reasoning ...

Improving the breeding works Buffalo

39. February 2022 ­ 16342 E. Latifova • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:338.23

Buffalo breeding is considered one of the most important areas of livestock. In some countries, especially in the eastern and southeastern regions, buffaloes are widely used as draught animals, but in America, Europe, and Eastern European сountries buffaloes are widely used to produce highquality and healthy meat and dairy ...

Increasing the efficiency of pasture use

39. February 2022 ­ 16525 S. Seyfaddinov • УДК: 633.2.031, 633.2.033

В статье исследуется состояние и основные направления повышение эффективности использования пастбищ. Показывается, что предоставление права выпаса теоретически основывается ...



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