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Empowering agricultural development through digital transformation in Azerbaijan

34. October 2020 ­ 17196 R. Huseyn, R. Huseynov, A. Museyibov • UOT: 338.33, 338.364:338.43

It is widely known that the level of Azerbaijan's non-oil export is significantly less than its existing potential. Accordingly, the government of Azerbaijan plans to increase its non-oil export to achieve export-led economic development. One of the important elements to achieve this goal is digital transformation of the ...

Factors increasing economic efficiency in the canning industry

35. Januray 2021 ­ 17285 V. Abbasov, E. Shukurova • UOT: 338.43, 664 : 338.514

The article analyzes the development of integration relations between the canning industry and agriculture, factors of the effective use of raw materials and resources in the industry, as well as the dynamics of production of the main types of products. Taking into account the seasonal nature of growing fruits, vegetables, ...

Comprehensive marketing research and development strategy of the livestock market

35. Januray 2021 ­ 17123 I. Kheyirkhabarov • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:339.138

The article conducts a marketing study of the livestock market. The market opportunities opened for enterprises and farms offering products to the livestock products segment of the food market have been identified and the use of these opportunities has been identified as a marketing problem. Scientifically substantiated ...

Productivity indicators of tobacco plant in irrigation conditions of Sheki-Zagatala region for 2018-2019

34. October 2020 ­ 15430 G. Kazimov • UOT: 631.58; 631.582

It was talking about the influence of irrigation norms, nutrition conditions on the productivity of Virginia tobacco varieties and the choice of commodity types in Sheki-Zagatala region. The figures obtained from the study for 2018-2019 were compared and analyzed. It was determined that the highest dry leaf yield for both years ...

The role of the insurance mechanismin the sustainable development of agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 15807 C. Abishova • UOT: 33. 336.2: 338.4

The comprehensive development of the agricultural sector is important as one of the main directions of increasing the reliability of the country's food security, diversifying the economy, expanding its export potential. In order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a ...

Development of agricultural economy and state-private partnership in Azerbaijan

34. October 2020 ­ 17476 T. Nagibeyli • UOT: 334.78, 338.43

At the present stage, agriculture performs special functions as an important component of the real sector of the economy. This industry is a key factor in meeting the needs of the population for food and agricultural raw materials, increasing the share of local production in these areas. In addition to creating a positive ...



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