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Efficient mechanisms for useful agricultural soils

31. Januray 2020 ­ 22357 A. Valiyev • UOT: 63. 504.062. 631.16

The article defines the use of agricultural soil and semi-arable soil for agricultural use, and in this regard, the results of studies conducted in the Jalilabad and Masalli regions, and the potential dependence of fertility on qualitative groups of agricultural soil are presented. In addition, the article considers the ...

Soil and climatic factors of agricultural development in the liberated territories

34. October 2020 ­ 30021 A. Valiyev • UOT: 63, 91, 502.

The article examines the characteristics of soil and climatic factors for the development of agricultural production in the liberated territories. To this end, the composition of these lands on the territory by areas, the characteristics of suitability of land cover for agricultural production, the comparative condition of the ...

Effects of land consolidation on rural development

34. October 2020 ­ 27809 N. Shalbuzov, A. Dadashov • UOT: 332.363, 338.43

Abstract The article examines the essence of land consolidation and its role in agriculture, the prospects of land consolidation in agricultural lands for the rural development, the current state of agricultural land use in the country and its impact on the production of agricultural products. At the same time, good world ...



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