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State regulation of dairy cattle breeding

37. September 2021 ­ 29136 E. Latifova • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:338.23

AbstractThe main objective of the livestock is breeding of high productive farm animals, improving existing and creation of new and more productive breeds. In this case, bred animals, along with productive qualities, must also have high adaptation characteristics for industrial rearing. They also have to meet the requirements ...

Factors affecting development of poultry breeding sector in Azerbaijan

35. Januray 2021 ­ 24609 E. Latifova • UOT: 338.43, 636/637:338.23

The provision of local population with the high-quality and healthy food products, especially with the animal protein, is one of the main priorities of the Azerbaijani Government. This article analyzes the current situation of the poultry industry in Azerbaijan, especially the breeding poultry sector, legislation, public policy ...

Experience of formation of institutional mechanisms for consolidation of land in agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 21898 K. Mamedova • UOT: 332.36, 338.43

Abstract Historically, land reform and land privatization have led to land fragmentation and the creation of small farms in many countries. This led to structural problems in these countries, which hindered agricultural and rural development. To solve these problems, land consolidation and management tools were applied. The ...



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