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Directions of supporting entrepreneurship activities in agriculture

38. November 2021 ­ 16428 S. Yusufova • UOT: 338.246, 338.435

AbstractThe role of agriculture in meeting the needs of the country's population in food products, ensuring national food security and providing raw materials to industries is undeniable. The expansion of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture is aimed at creating food abundance. Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan, as in other ...

Improving the creditworthiness and credit security of agricultural producers

38. November 2021 ­ 16005 U. Mammadova • UOT: 336.648, 338.434

AbstractThe article examines the opportunities to increase the level of credit security of agricultural producers in the context of facilitating access to finance. In this area, the important role of producer creditworthiness in facilitating access to finance was highlighted. Approaches to assessing this ability were ...

Priority Areas of Innovative Development of the Agrarian Sector

33. July 2020 ­ 24056 V. Babayeva • UOT: 338.43:338.2

Abstract In the article, the directions of innovative economic development in the agricultural sector have been investigated, various supports for scientific research and improvements have been studied to stimulate innovation activity in the country. At the same time, information has been considered on the formation of ...

Experience in organizing information and consulting services in foreign countries

32. April 2020 ­ 17438 T. Huseynov • UOT: 332.1 (332.43)

The article deals with the organization of information and consulting services in the agricultural sector of foreign countries and the factors that shape it. The role of information and consulting services in developed countries in the development of the industry based on the widespread use of innovations is revealed. The ...

Directions for improving the financial and budgetary mechanism in the formation of large agricultural enterprises

32. April 2020 ­ 18022 T. Huseynov • UOT: 33.334.7:336.5

In contemporary conditions continuous changes in the economic conjuncture is a characteristic feature of the economic system. The article analyzes connection of the financial and budgeting mechanism in the formation of large agricultural enterprises directly from the economic potential of the state. In world practice, it is ...

Directions of influence of financial mechanism on formation of competitiveness in agrobusiness system of our country in the conditions of coronavirus pandemic

32. April 2020 ­ 18203 R. Musayeva, A. Salimova, G. Hajiyev • UOT: 334.021, 658.1

Given the ongoing measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the growing role of the financial mechanism in the formation of a competitive environment for entrepreneurship in the agrobusiness system of our country is constantly observed. In this regard, the article notes the importance of studying ...



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