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Econometric assessment of economic and climatic factors affecting agricultural value added

43. April 2023 ­ 7614 T. Musayev • UOT: 330.45, 338.43

Agriculture plays an important role in the country's economy in terms of food security, economic growth and foreign trade. Many factors contribute to the increase in value added in agriculture. In the article, the effect of the trade openness index, fertilizer, average annual precipitation, average annual temperature, and ...

Directions for the development of the sunflower sector along the value chain

40. August 2022 ­ 18821 G. Bashirova • UOT: 338.435, 338.439, 633/664

The sunflower sector provides the country with vegetable oil and animal feed, which is important for meeting food needs. At the moment, due to the war between the two countries, which are the main suppliers of sunflower products to the world market, there are difficulties in supplying the market with this product. Effective ...

Theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of value added tax on investment activities in agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 20715 B. Ahmadov • UOT: 338.43, 336.027, 336.22

Abstract Achieving sustainable agricultural development, ensuring economic, social and environmental balance in this area largely depends on investment decisions. The implementation of measures to increase investment activity in the agricultural sector directly serves the implementation of sustainable development goals. Taxes ...



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