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Assessing drought on agricultural productivity: a remote sensing approach to monitoring and adaptation

Konul Mamedova Latif

4256 ­ ­ EN ­ ­ 45. October 2024 ­ ­­ ­ agriculture NDVI VCI economy yield drought

Droughts have various impacts depending on their severity and duration. In agriculture, drought can lead to crop failure and reduced yields. In this regard, it is imperative to conduct research on the effect of drought on productivity in agriculture. Data on crop yields, spanning from individual fields to global scales, is essential for farmers and policymakers. Existing sources of crop yield data, like regional agricultural statistics, frequently lack the necessary spatial and temporal detail. Vegetation indices (VIs) derived from remote sensing, such as NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index), can effectively estimate crop yields through empirical modeling approaches. This study predicted crop yield by applying several indices by analyzing satellite images to estimate crop yield. The data to be used are open source Sentinel-2 imagery, python for regression analysis and the platform required to run is Google Earth Engine. Processing higher resolution images requires more computing resources than lower resolution images. Also, with the advent of cloud computing and open access computing portals such as Google Earth Engine, computing costs have decreased significantly. These technologies have made the processing of satellite images more economical. NDVI (measure of greenness of crops), NDMI (Normalized Difference Moisture Index) and SMI (Soil Moisture Index) data was calculated for several crop fields (area of Agsu region of Azerbaijan) for 3 years. A drought index was also applied to that area, and as a result, it was found that the productivity was low in the dry years. The aim here is to investigate the effect of climate change on crop productivity in Azerbaijan and study its effect on the economy



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Gulnara. Salimova

Senior Researcher of the Research Institute for Economic Reforms


Mekhman. Rzayev

Sumgait Chemical-Industrial Park

  doctor of agrarian sciences  

Natig. Javadov

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  prof, dr  

Esmira. Latifova

Director Adviser, Agricultural Economics Research Center


Ibrahim. Jafarov

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

  Corresponding member of ANAS, prof  

Naila. Aliyeva

Associate professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) Doctoral student of the Agro Researches Center

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Javahir. Allahverdiyeva

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  senior lecturer  

Aytekin. Huseynova

Ph.D. student of Azerbaijan Cooperation University


Javad. Gojamanov

Ph.D. student of Baku State University


Natig. Mirzayev

Lankaran State University


Tahmasib. Huseynov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Elay. Zeynalli

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University


Islam. Ibrahimov

Baku Business University

  prof, dr  

Alizamin. Guliyev

Azerbaijan Technical University, Ph.D.


Ruhiyya. Gambarova

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

  Doctor of Philosophy in Economics  

Galib. Hajiyev

Department of “Economy of enterprise” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

  Ph.D., docent