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Characteristics of the competition in the market of agricultural products in the conditions of the transition to the modern value chain

43. April 2023 ­ 5872 N. Gasimova, S. Hajiyeva, H. Khalilov • UOT: 338.439: 338.242.2, 338.242.4

The article discusses the features of market structures in agro-food systems in modern conditions and their impact on the competitive environment. The main attention is paid to the disclosure of features in competitive conditions and mechanisms due to the development of value chains (supply chains), especially the transition ...

Agricultural competitiveness: Analysis of theoretical approaches in the context of sustainable development

41. October 2022 ­ 11322 Н. Гаджиев • UOT: 338. 43.01, 338.432

The article analyzes theoretical approaches to competitiveness in the agricultural sector in the context of sustainability - sustainable development, with reference to the work of some scientists and researchers. When the analysis was conducted, in the study of the competitiveness of the agrarian economy as a whole and its ...

Investment support for innovative development: features of agro-industrial sectors

40. August 2022 ­ 11793 F. Ibrahimov • UOT: 338.43, 338.434

Investment support for innovative development is one of the main factors determining the competitiveness of economic entities. The decisive role of this supply system in the agro-industrial sector is more pronounced in terms of food security. The article reveals the features of investment support for innovative development in ...

Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

40. August 2022 ­ 12906 R. Huseyn • UOT: 338.433, 339.5

Azerbaijan has started to provide export subsidy for peeled hazelnuts since 2018, and 11.1 million manats have been paid from the state budget for this purpose over three years. This article evaluates the export subsidy paid for hazelnuts in Azerbaijan based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and ...

The role of agro-based clusters in ensuring food security

39. February 2022 ­ 15809 K. Guliyeva • UOT: 334.75, 338. 436, 338.439

The article is devoted to determination of the role of agricultural clusters in provision of food security. The author points out that increasing food security requires the search for effective tools for this, and one of such tools is the creation of agrarian-based clusters. The article considers the issues of successful ...

Specific features of entrepreneurship and business activity in the agricultural sector

39. February 2022 ­ 16180 R. Asgarov • UOT: 338.43, 631.15

The development of business and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, first of all, creates favorable conditions for the production of competitive agricultural and food products. In connection with the development of entrepreneurship in this area, it is first of all necessary to take into account the peculiarities of ...



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