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Issues of applıcatıon of modern marketıng methods to the dıgıtalızed economy

36. April 2021 ­ 16031 O. Balayev • UOT: 339.13, 339.138

Trends in the economy, such as the widespread adoption of digital technologies, the rapid penetration of digitalization into all spheres of human life, the globalization of these processes and the promotion of globalization, show that the state can not remain indifferent to the digital economy. At the national and global ...

Opportunities for Improving Logistics: Looking in the Context of Cross-Country Comparisons

33. July 2020 ­ 16607 S. Maharramov • UOT: 338.47, 339.5:339.9

The growing interest in logistics as a new scientific and practical direction, on the one hand, is due to the need to develop a market orientation of the economy, on the other hand, growing production costs, fundamental changes in the philosophy of resource management, widespread use of marketing concepts and computer ...

Assessment of foreign experience in formation and development self-employment

33. July 2020 ­ 14914 A. Guliyev • UOT: 331.526, 339.9

The article analyzes the foreign experience of the formation and development of selfemployment in the agricultural sector. The experience of developed countries, countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is considered. The systems of regulation and stimulation of self-employment development used in ...

Empowering agricultural development through digital transformation in Azerbaijan

34. October 2020 ­ 16930 R. Huseyn, R. Huseynov, A. Museyibov • UOT: 338.33, 338.364:338.43

It is widely known that the level of Azerbaijan's non-oil export is significantly less than its existing potential. Accordingly, the government of Azerbaijan plans to increase its non-oil export to achieve export-led economic development. One of the important elements to achieve this goal is digital transformation of the ...

Protection and improvement of land and water resources

34. October 2020 ­ 15916 B. Abdulkarim • UOT: 332.37, 556

In recent years, the quality of water and land resources continues to deteriorate as a result of anthropogenic impact. At the same time, the need for more efficient use of water and land resources will increase. The article considers the main types of soil and water pollution. 

The role of the insurance mechanismin the sustainable development of agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 15561 C. Abishova • UOT: 33. 336.2: 338.4

The comprehensive development of the agricultural sector is important as one of the main directions of increasing the reliability of the country's food security, diversifying the economy, expanding its export potential. In order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a ...



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