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Experience of formation of institutional mechanisms for consolidation of land in agriculture

34. October 2020 ­ 17684 K. Mamedova • UOT: 332.36, 338.43

Abstract Historically, land reform and land privatization have led to land fragmentation and the creation of small farms in many countries. This led to structural problems in these countries, which hindered agricultural and rural development. To solve these problems, land consolidation and management tools were applied. The ...

Organic agriculture production and sales markets

32. April 2020 ­ 18424 A. Abbasov • UOT: 330. 338. 631.9

The article discusses the characteristic features of the development of organic agriculture, reveals the environmental, social and economic advantages of organic agriculture. At the same time, the article reflects the scientific and theoretical aspects of the formation of organic agriculture, the specifics of this area in the ...

Experience in organizing information and consulting services in foreign countries

32. April 2020 ­ 17438 T. Huseynov • UOT: 332.1 (332.43)

The article deals with the organization of information and consulting services in the agricultural sector of foreign countries and the factors that shape it. The role of information and consulting services in developed countries in the development of the industry based on the widespread use of innovations is revealed. The ...

Directions for improving the financial and budgetary mechanism in the formation of large agricultural enterprises

32. April 2020 ­ 18022 T. Huseynov • UOT: 33.334.7:336.5

In contemporary conditions continuous changes in the economic conjuncture is a characteristic feature of the economic system. The article analyzes connection of the financial and budgeting mechanism in the formation of large agricultural enterprises directly from the economic potential of the state. In world practice, it is ...

Directions of influence of financial mechanism on formation of competitiveness in agrobusiness system of our country in the conditions of coronavirus pandemic

32. April 2020 ­ 18205 R. Musayeva, A. Salimova, G. Hajiyev • UOT: 334.021, 658.1

Given the ongoing measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the growing role of the financial mechanism in the formation of a competitive environment for entrepreneurship in the agrobusiness system of our country is constantly observed. In this regard, the article notes the importance of studying ...

Factors of market infrastructure development in agribusiness

33. July 2020 ­ 18386 M. Mammadova • UOT: 338.431.4, 338.433.4

The article describes the characteristics of the market infrastructure in the agribusiness sphere, as well as the requirements for the formation of the infrastructure for the agricultural development. At the same time, in recent years, the main directions of the development of market infrastructure have been studied and ...



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