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Study of the resistance to salt (NaCl) stress of introduced and local cotton Varieties such as GOSSYPIUM H.

34. October 2020 ­ 16128 R. Mammadrzayeva, S. Eldarov, E. Khalilov, F. Karimov • UOT: 631.21.51. 659.632.11

One of the main factors limiting the development of irrigated agriculture in Azerbaijan is soil salinization. Cotton is grown on more than 100,000 hectares in the country, and 35-40% of these fields have experienced moderate to severe salinization. In order to obtain high yields on saline soils, along with all reclamation ...

Potential of import substitution and export expansion Agricultural production in Azerbaijan

37. September 2021 ­ 18391 N. Aliyeva • УДК: 338.43, 339.5

AbstractAt the present stage, the development of agro-industrial production in Azerbaijan is aimed both at meeting domestic needs and at expanding exports. Today, our country is actively promoting the national brand Made in Azerbaijan in foreign markets, expanding the geography of export. The introduction of export incentives ...

Sustainable intensification in agriculture: opportunities in post-transformation re-intensification conditions

33. July 2020 ­ 24168 H. Khalilov, F. Fikratzade

Abstract In modern conditions, sustainable intensification is becoming a factor that combines dynamic productivity growth in agriculture with compliance with environmental requirements and increased adaptation to climate change. The article examines the possibilities of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the ...



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