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Financing mechanisms of sustainable development of agriculture in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

42. December 2022 ­ 10013 T. Mammadzade • UOT: 338.43, 336.02, 336.6

The article talks about internal and external financing sources of agriculture and their types. Advantages and disadvantages of financial sources such as investment, subsidy, credit resources are shown, and their role in the sustainable development of agriculture is considered. Also, the indicators obtained within the ...

Evaluation of the results of measures implemented to export of peeled Hazelnut in Azerbaijan

40. August 2022 ­ 13209 R. Huseyn • UOT: 338.433, 339.5

Azerbaijan has started to provide export subsidy for peeled hazelnuts since 2018, and 11.1 million manats have been paid from the state budget for this purpose over three years. This article evaluates the export subsidy paid for hazelnuts in Azerbaijan based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and ...

Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy

33. July 2020 ­ 16298 M. Rzayev • UOT: 338.2, 338.43

This article considers current status and development trends for the smart farming technologies in the context of urgency increasing of the efficiency of the agriculture under the scarcity of land and water resources and on-going climate change in Azerbaijan Republic. The current development of smart farming in the country have ...

Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy

33. July 2020 ­ 20183 M. Rzayev • UOT: 338.2, 338.43

This article considers current status and development trends for the smart farming technologies in the context of urgency increasing of the efficiency of the agriculture under the scarcity of land and water resources and on-going climate change in Azerbaijan Republic. The current development of smart farming in the country have ...

Assessment of the effectiveness of agricultural subsidies in Azerbaijan

31. Januray 2020 ­ 25350 F. Fikratzade

Abstract The practice of providing state support to agriculture, including subsidizing area, had become an essential element of the global agricultural system. This article discussed the theoretical aspects of state support for agriculture and analyzed international experience in this area. The measures of state support in the ...



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