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Study of the resistance to salt (NaCl) stress of introduced and local cotton Varieties such as GOSSYPIUM H.

34. October 2020 ­ 15724 R. Mammadrzayeva, S. Eldarov, E. Khalilov, F. Karimov • UOT: 631.21.51. 659.632.11

One of the main factors limiting the development of irrigated agriculture in Azerbaijan is soil salinization. Cotton is grown on more than 100,000 hectares in the country, and 35-40% of these fields have experienced moderate to severe salinization. In order to obtain high yields on saline soils, along with all reclamation ...

Productivity indicators of tobacco plant in irrigation conditions of Sheki-Zagatala region for 2018-2019

34. October 2020 ­ 15152 G. Kazimov • UOT: 631.58; 631.582

It was talking about the influence of irrigation norms, nutrition conditions on the productivity of Virginia tobacco varieties and the choice of commodity types in Sheki-Zagatala region. The figures obtained from the study for 2018-2019 were compared and analyzed. It was determined that the highest dry leaf yield for both years ...

Flora and vegetation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

34. October 2020 ­ 16300 A. Asgarov • UOT: 58.006, 58.009

Data is being carried out on the flora and vegetation of the territories of Azerbaijan, which are under the occupation of Armenia and are currently liberated by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. The characteristic of natural phytocenoses, their distribution, significance and ways of their protection is given. Particular attention ...

Monitoring and condition mapping for sustainable use of summer pasture

32. April 2020 ­ 18374 A. Yashar, I. Talibov, B. Nuriyev • UOT: 528.8.04

Remote sensing has the potential of improving our ability to monitoring and mapping pasture degradation. The article investigated and mapped the current status of pastures based remotely sensed data. Erosion-sensitive areas have also been identified. Digital Elevation Models and Sentinel-2 imageries have been used for research. ...



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