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Analysis and econometric evaluation of the main factors affecting the productivity of wheat in Azerbaijan

44. December 2023 ­ 4686 T. Musayev, J. Hasanov • UOT: 338.43, 330.15, 633.11, 519.862.6

The demand for wheat rises annually in parallel with the wheat-growing areas remaining stable, as well as the pressure of water scarcity and climate change on agriculture making raising wheat productivity a top priority. The article examines the influence of natural, economic and social factors on wheat productivity. ...

Econometric assessment of economic and climatic factors affecting agricultural value added

43. April 2023 ­ 7614 T. Musayev • UOT: 330.45, 338.43

Agriculture plays an important role in the country's economy in terms of food security, economic growth and foreign trade. Many factors contribute to the increase in value added in agriculture. In the article, the effect of the trade openness index, fertilizer, average annual precipitation, average annual temperature, and ...

Smart farming and main directions of the innovation policy

33. July 2020 ­ 17888 M. Rzayev • UOT: 338.2, 338.43

This article considers current status and development trends for the smart farming technologies in the context of urgency increasing of the efficiency of the agriculture under the scarcity of land and water resources and on-going climate change in Azerbaijan Republic. The current development of smart farming in the country have ...

Productivity of potato varieties in Shamkir SP for years depending on the impact of global climate change

34. October 2020 ­ 16509 I. Hasanov, M. Nasibova, . Hikmat • UOT: 631.21.51. 659. 632.11

Data of getting the potato samples, which were grown in the competitive nursery of trial, with the method of clone plant breeding were summarised in the article. Clones of cultivars of “Zanra” and “Tatianka” having the best agricultural-valuable characters differed from the others. 

Experience in creating an Integrated Management System of the Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on the basis of standards ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015

35. Januray 2021 ­ 17862 G. Sharifov • 332.24; 35.078.3; 631.1

Intensification of international competition, limited resources, climate change and other challenges to sustainable development of agricultural production, along with the expansion of the use of resource-saving technologies, requires the transformation of traditional agricultural management systems into effective ...

Current problems and efficiency of water resources usage in agriculture

31. Januray 2020 ­ 20206 M. Rzayev • UOT: 631.587. 631.6.02. 631.95. 338.054.

The limited resources of water resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the growing tendency of its decrease due to the climate change, makes it necessary its efficient usage in the agriculture. Measures to conserve water resources consumed by the irrigation should be based on the results of an assessment of the current ...



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